Bobby Clampett's



AT LAST: You Can Dramatically Improve Your Golf Game Without Radical, Uncomfortable Changes To Your Swing In Just TWO DAYS

Upcoming Golf Schools

Dear Golfer,

I’m Lanny Wadkins, PGA Tour hall of famer and golf analyst. I had played many times against Bobby on the PGA Tour and was always impressed with his in-depth approach to the golf swing. But after working with him at CBS for several years, I have come to understand why. The Impact Zone will reveal to the golf world Bobby’s unique insight as to why so many different ‘styled’ golf swings work.

God knows my swing isn’t one the named teachers are having their students copy, but it was good enough to win twenty-one PGA Tour events and the ’77 PGA Championship. It’s about time someone finally put in print to Lanny Wadkins refuting the myths about ‘style of swing’ and get down to the meat of the matter — impact! It’s no surprise to me that Bobby was the one to get it done right!”

Lanny WadkinsPGA Tour hall of famer and golf analyst​

TRUTH #1: The Only Thing That Matters in the Golf Swing Are the Two Inches Before the Ball and the Four Inches Afterwards!

Funny, isn’t it, that so many instructors waste so much of your time focusing on aspects of your swing that really don’t matter?

Because all that really matters is that SIX INCH stretch along the line of impact. Everything else literally doesn’t matter to you or how you score in the least.

So why then is every golf pro trying to teach you to get in a certain position at the top or adopt a certain swing that’s totally unsuited to your body style?

It’s clear, how you get to impact matters far less than what happens at that critical moment!

Golf is Simply a Game of IMPACT

The only one thing that all great players have in common is that they all create great impact.

Golf is simply a game of impact, it’s how this ball meets the club face, that’s the secret!

When you discover it, golf gets fun fast!

TRUTH #3: You’ve Been Taught ALL WRONG!

For years PGA Professionals have been trying to teach us a certain style of swing based on “the average golfer.” Trouble is, this style of swing doesn’t fit everybody… and in fact, trying to retrofit YOUR unique swing into someone else’s “mold” is the worst mistake you could make.

We’re all different. Height. Weight. Posture. Natural rhythm. Everything about you and the way you handle the club differs in a million ways from the guy you tee it up with every Saturday.

And that’s the way it’s supposed to be, no matter how hard someone tries to fit you into a standardized and approved “golf swing template.”

Because the golf ball doesn’t care what your swing looks like. It doesn’t care what your physical abilities are or how athletic you are.

If you can learn to make great impact you can learn to play great golf.

The problem is nobody’s been teaching this truth until now!

TRUTH #4: The 5 Dynamics of Impact Will Transform Your Game

When you understand how to produce the 5 Dynamics of Impact you increase your margin for error dramatically.

Your misses get better, your game gets stronger, and your handicap goes down fast.

If you really want to cut your handicap in HALF you need to worry about changing your impact, NOT changing your backswing. Why? Because…

All you need to worry about is making better impact and that’s what Bobby Clampett’s Impact-Based Teaching does for you!
"That’s why I developed “Impact-Based® Instruction”, the only teaching system ever developed that focuses on Golf’s Moment of Truth and improves golfers quickly and effectively without having to go through the perils of changing your style of swing.”
Bobby Clampett
PGA Tour Veteran, Founder of Impact Zone Golf

Why Bobby Clampett’s

“Impact-Based® Teaching” Makes ALL The Difference

A PGA Tour Life Member and popular television golf broadcaster, Bobby Clampett is well-known within golf’s inner circles as both an avid student of the game and an exceptional teacher.

Bobby established his golf resume as a champion competitor, winning at the amateur, collegiate and tour professional levels – actually notching his first victory against tour professionals as a 19-year-old.

After thriving on the Champions Tour, Bobby retired to dedicate his life to helping others better learn and enjoy the game. He believes his true contribution to the game will be through instruction. Clampett’s insights from personal experience, as well as from studying and competing against the world’s best players for four decades, has resulted in an approach to instruction that completely changes the way golfers and instructors perceive and interpret each golfer’s swing.

Impact-Based Teaching is the foundation of his Impact Zone Golf® philosophy. By concentrating on improving your impact, rather than focusing on your swing style. After all, the best players in the world all have vastly different swing styles- but are exactly the same at impact!

This focus on IMPACT alone to deliver maximum improvement leverages 5 Dynamics proven to help you lower your scores and play better golf:

By mastering these 5 Dynamics, any golfer with any swing can rapidly and dramatically lower their scores

in fact, it’s almost impossible NOT to!



These professionals and many others affirm this reality – it’s NOT the style of your golf swing that matters, it’s what your swing does at IMPACT. After Bobby Clampett wrote The Impact Zone: Mastering Golf’s Moment of Truth in 2007, the response was clear: people wanted more. Bobby proceeded to develop instructional DVDs to illustrate the topics in the book, but still – golfers everywhere were asking for more.

They wanted direct access to the man who discovered these 5 Dynamics and who understands how best to help golfers like you play dramatically better golf as quickly and efficiently as possible.

So Bobby created Impact Zone Golf and his Signature School…

Put Simply It’s Tour-Tested Golf Instruction Guaranteed To Improve Your Game


It’s clear – the only thing that matters to playing better golf boils down to one word: IMPACT.

And the best way to nail this once and for all is to join Bobby and his team of certified IZG instructors at a Signature School in Naples, FL. It’s the only place to receive one-on-one “Impact-Based Teaching®” directly from Bobby himself, a PGA Tour Star who’s won millions.

When you attend a Signature School,


Again, from the first moment you hit the practice tee to when you leave the facility, your time at a Signature School will be led from start-to-finish by its Founder and CEO Bobby Clampett and his certified IZG instructor team.

These instruction experiences utilize IMPACT-Based® Teaching, with state-of-the-art-technology, and a teaching staff that is truly second-to-none… to deliver clear, concise curriculum for MAXIMUM game improvement and lower scores – in just 2 Days!

you get direct, one-on-one personal instruction from a man who’s won over $3Million on tour. It’s like having a tour legend looking over your shoulder at the practice range, encouraging you to greatness. And Bobby is there the entire school with you, which seems to surprise and delight many golf school attendees.

(written by Bobby Clampett) – you’ll take this home and have it at your side whenever you need a quick refresh on the core concepts you need to play your best.

giving you a complete golf game outside the impact zone, to make sure you have the tools you need to play better rounds and keep those scores consistently low over time.

you’ll be able to see exactly in fine detail how quickly your unique swing style embraces the 5 Dynamics through the impact zone.

additional help from a team certified by Bobby to enable you to master the 5 Dynamics quickly and effortlessly.

unlike many other golf schools, you don’t get herded onto the practice range with a busload of duffers. The student-teacher ratio is kept low to make certain you’ll always have either Bobby or a certified IZG instructor at your side ready to help.

leveraging the latest technology to keep you and your game on track as you train. You will have access to this long after the school has ended, ensuring the key points you learned stay with you.
just as there’s no one RIGHT way to swing the club, there’s no cookie-cutter method to making the 5 Dynamics come alive in your swing, so the curriculum is adjusted as necessary to fit YOUR needs.
when you’re nailing impact correctly, you won’t be able to prevent the ball from going farther than ever before.
tired of spraying shots left and right and never knowing what will happen next? At last you’ll reliably be hitting the ball pure and true.
while many other instructors require you to master a separate swing style for short game shots, the IZG system enhances short game success without having to change your swing strategy or style. One set of simple swing thoughts produces stroke-saving results from everywhere on the course, from a hybrid outside 200 yards to a flop wedge 20 yards off the fringe.
all focused on enabling you to take your own unique swing and empower it to achieve maximum effectiveness through the impact zone.

Here’s Just a Sampling of What Other Golfers

Like You Have Experienced…

Learn a little more about Bobby's Signature Schools AND SEE WHAT A FEW STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY IN THE VIDEO BELOW...​​

How Much Would Playing the Best Golf of Your Life

Be Worth To You?

Just imagine how much more you will enjoy the game when you hit the ball better, hit the ball farther, shoot lower scores and start beating your friends with alarming regularity.

Never again will you dread stepping up to the first tee, wondering where your drive will land and whether you’ll have to beg forgiveness and ask (yet again) for a mulligan.

You’ve seen that playing better golf is not only possible, with the 5 dynamics mastered it’s practically inevitable – and without changing your swing style, lifting weights, losing inches off your waistline, etc. etc.

And you can do this all in just TWO DAYS… by focusing on those SIX INCHES around the ball and when your clubhead makes IMPACT.

The total value is impossible to calculate – but putting an end to years of struggle and frustration clearly means a lot.

So too does getting direct access to a PGA tour professional – with years of experience in swing training, course management, and the mental game itself – that kind of advice is quite literally priceless. And practically impossible to find.

But not anymore. Bobby’s Signature Schools make it easy and for an investment far less than you might imagine.

Your Signature Golf School experience with live instruction from Bobby Clampett is just $1,995 – that means you live and breathe the 5 Dynamics of Impact for two solid days, from 9am to 2pm. We’ll even include a delicious lunch to keep your energy levels high.

It’s a sweet deal – and if you’re an Alumni, there’s even a special 10% discount.

Plus, if you’re willing to help your buddy transform his/her game, then bring along a friend and receive 10% off both registrations!

This Might NOT Be Right For You

Okay, a Signature School is not for everyone or every golfer. If any of the following apply you may want to think twice before you sign up:

But if none of those apply to you, then now’s the time to sign up for a Signature School with Bobby Clampett.